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Electromagnetism is the branch of science related to the forces that occur between electrically charged particles. In electromagnetic theory these forces are explained using electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic force is one of the four fundamental interactions in the wild, the opposite three being the strong interaction, the weak force and gravitation.

Electromagnetism could be the interaction in charge of practically all of the phenomena encountered in daily life, with the exception of gravity. Ordinary matter takes its form because of intermolecular forces between individual molecules in matter. Electrons are bound by nonparticulate radiation mechanics into orbitals around atomic nuclei to form atoms, which might be the building blocks of molecules. This governs the processes involved with chemistry, which arise from interactions relating to the electrons of neighboring atoms, which are therefore dependant on the interaction between electromagnetic force and the momentum with the electrons.

Electromagnetism manifests as both electric fields and magnetic fields. Both fields are simply different facets of electromagnetism, and therefore are intrinsically related. Thus, a changing electric field generates a magnetic flux; conversely a changing flux generates a power field. This effect is called electromagnetic induction, and is the basis of operation for electrical generators, induction motors, and transformers. Mathematically speaking, magnetic fields and electric fields are convertible with relative motion to be a 2nd-order tensor or bivector.

Electric fields will be the reason behind several common phenomena, including potential drop (such as voltage of any battery) and ac current (including the flow of electricity by way of a flashlight). Magnetic fields will be the reason behind the force connected with magnets.

In QED, electromagnetic interactions between charged particles can be calculated using the technique of Feynman diagrams, in which we picture messenger particles called virtual photons being exchanged between charged particles. This method may be produced from the sector picture through perturbation theory.

The theoretical implications of electromagnetism generated the creation of special relativity theory by Albert Einstein in 1905.

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