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Abstract: in chapter second after 50 years

50 years later, Hangzhou Xiling Seal society, my thoughts were interrupted by an old man, I close my grandfather notes, looked at each other.

” You accept rubbings? ” He asked, looking is to ask, I do this very talented, also put him: ” close, but the price is high. ” It is no good stuff, you will go, don’t delay the man read a book.

We do this line, three years is not opened, opened for three years, weekdays free navigation, hate to serve those who have a superficial knowledge of guests, evolved into the later, just see the passerby, direct play funeral music catch people. But recently, idle is a bit too much, seeing the season is almost over, also do not see what good stuff in, so there was a bit impatient.

” I want to ask, is there a Warring States silk copy? Just 50 years ago, the son of Changsha Tufu steal, was an American take that one? ” The man looked at me in the counter collection, he asked.

” You say Americans out there. ” I hear on the fire ” for rubbings is of course to market Amoy, it specifies a search, how to find? ”

He said in a low voice: ” I heard that you have the knack, I was introduced to the old itch? “.

I was wary, heart rate, the old itch than before into jail, why, put me up? A sharp cold sweat heart out ” what … … What the old itch, I don’t know. ”

” Follow me, ” he chuckled, from the arms out of pocket watch, ” you see, the old itch say you see this see “.

The watch is the old itch in Northeast when he first gave him, he put the table when life, got drunk out this table watching ” Juan, Li. ” the call, I asked him what was your sister, he thought for a long time, crying out, he said I mother to forget. The old itch to put this table to this person, I do have some stories.

How can I looked at the people feel hateful appearance, but the family home to find, or to be frank talk, so directly raising his hand: ” that is you the old itch friends, find me something? ”

His toothy smile, showing a big gold teeth: ” one of my friends in Shanxi to bring back something, you want to give me have a look, the real thing is it right?. ”

” See you about your mouth, Beijing soil target to the south to consult me, too flattering me, Beijing how many players, I am afraid you to have ulterior motives. Ah! ”

He put a smile: ” all South said the man, was not false, see your age is not big, but also very transparent, to tell the truth, I am really not, for you, I want to see you home the old man? ”

My face was changed: ” find my grandfather, what do you mean? ”

” You old man was in Changsha dart subsidiary ridge stolen after the Warring States silk, whether or not have a one or two copy? My friends want to know, in our hands of this volume is the same? ”

Before he could finish, I was on the edge of sleepy man shouting: ” King Mondo, farewell! ”

The gold old anxious: ” how is said to want to catch people? ”

” What you said is good, but you arrived too late, my father last year already West, you need to find him, to cut veins! ” I thought : “it was a thing, even the central was moved, that is the thing, that can give you the old account turned out, my family can have good? “.

” I said you a grandson, talk how unpleasant it ” big gold teeth thief old face smile: ” he is not in the doesn’t matter, I also did not say how bad., anyhow, you will see what I bring, you sell the old itch face? ”

I took a glance at him, the crafty, seems not to look at him that he could not walk, the heart that is when the old itch a face, he came out also without he cursed, so have a look have a look on the nod: ” I dare not say, is it right?. ”

In fact, the Warring States silk has more than 20 volumes, each volume each are not identical, my grandfather was extended down that one is just one part of a very short, but very important, now that I have a few copies of rubbings when pressure bottom of the baby, the world that money will not buy gold teeth, saw that the old man arms pulled out from a piece of white paper, I look at, on, or a copy of.

” It is ah, the baby that was carrying a run, a hopper is broken. ” He said, is fixed for the mystical tone : “if it’s not my way, it had to go abroad, is serving the people “.

I smiled ” see you that is not a bucket for you, I see you dare not move, it is national treasure, your head not to want! ”

In a word I was exposed, the old man turned green, he is asking me, have endured, said: ” can not say so, each line has each line of the road, to your father’s year in Changsha do Tufu when the child, it is also sometimes ornery … … ”

I was certainly very ugly, bite: ” you have to ask my grandpa, I won’t see!! ”

” Well, I stop, I love you see, I may run away quickly ”

I open the white paper, you just know, this is a perfectly preserved the Warring States silk, but not my grandfather was stolen out of that one, it ‘s a although relatively long, but should be after a few in imitation, that is to say this is a fake antique, identity is embarrassing things, so I smiled: ” this should be the imitation, how do you say it, you say he is a fake, and not fake, says that he is really, not really, I don’t know what to say. ”

” This is it right? You steal out of that one? ”

” To tell you the truth, my grandpa steal that he has not come in and take a look by the American deceive in the past, you this question I can’t answer your. ” I thought to myself, just you is not easy, expression is also put on special sincerely. The old man still believe gold teeth, sighed: ” it is not coincidence, it seems not to look for the Americans, I really did not expect. ”

” How, how do you think of this book? ” I asked, that’s weird, this collection of ancient books is a look at the fate, to a set of 20 volumes during the Warring States period ancient books were found, it would be too greedy.

“Little brother, as a matter of fact, I really not the bucket, you see my body, that is ” ah, but my friend is indeed expert, I don’t know what he is selling climax, in short, while people. ” He chuckled, shook his head: ” I do not ask again, huh, a step ahead. ” and do not return to go.

I looked down, his copy paper was in my hand, suddenly, I found a pattern on the paper, it was a fox ‘s face, two irisless eyes have stereo feeling, as if from the paper concave out, I took a breath, this a silk book I had never seen before, should be a treasure, I think, the old itch, use this copy does a few fake rubbings is my music. Hurry hurried to the door, saw the old man was driven back gold teeth.

I thought he must be back this piece of thing, busy run back, picks up a digital camera it to shoot down, then pick up head out the door. Came face to face with big gold teeth old man’s nose: ” you forget I said anything “.

My grandfather is Changsha is grave robbers, Grandpa Hijio Ko, in this is not strange at all, in current parlance is hereditary, my great-grandfather ‘s grandfather at the age of 13, the central area drought, the drought was a time, famine, you have money can not buy anything to eat, then the Changsha fringes. Nothing is more, tombs, and backer to eat three, rely on Tomb Tomb Village people eat, together with the bucket, a few years do not know how many people starved to death, as they that village a did not die, but also a have a round Valley, by digging out with foreign people for food to eat.

Later for a long time, it has a culture of accumulation, to my grandfather’s belt, have rules, with the school, when the tomb of the factions, the south is my grandfather’s school, at Luoyang spade exploring soil, a nose will be able to judge depth Dynasty, now in a lot of novels acting Luoyang shovel, actually is not North Luoyang shovel, they in the mausoleum position, structure of the accurate judgment, is called Xunlong acupuncture, but the north people how to say, my grandfather said that they don’t really too much, quoin, steal a tomb had so many names, in things take off shell, and a button two button, the bureaucracy. Southern rules is not much, and never taboo dead, North sent south is called dog, all cultural relics, over the bucket no one does not collapse, even the dead pulled out to sell, the south north is called a hypocrite, is undoubtedly a thief also get their own something. Later, more is to rush it, even a bucket body happens, last two finally draw the Yangtze, the North called bucket, south sand or soil is called Amoy, Luoyang shovel was divided after the invented, North sent don’t cut the use of.

My grandfather, he does not know the word, then into the literacy class, then he will only Sentosa, learn a word count to toss him dead, also lost his culture, to put some of his experiences on record, in Changsha dart subsidiary ridge that old, is my grandfather, he is one of these things word records in his book old notebook, my grandma is a cultural, great lady, was his last story, my grandfather into up to Hangzhou, where her home.

That note is my family baby, my grandpa’s nose in the matter after the thorough break, he trained a dog to smell the soil, anyone who has the nickname: ” the dog king “. This is really something, now Changsha made Hijio Ko, the older generation will know the name.

As for my grandpa later how to survive, two of my uncle and his and his wife ‘s last how, my grandfather always refused to tell me, in my memory, I have never seen a one-eyed, one-armed brother-in-law, estimation is really be fraught with grim possibilities, a reference to this matter, my grandpa cry, he said: ” it’s not a child can listen to the story. ” No matter how we ask, how to act like a spoiled brat, he would not say a word. Finally, as we age, have gradually lost childhood good together.

I shut the door, open my broken cup car went straight to my uncle there, one hand want to have a look what he called the good stuff is what, on the other hand, to let him have a look today I took the silk on the pattern of what? He is us this generation person only and Hijio Ko also have contact with someone.

My car just to him downstairs, listened to him to call down: “your boy, to her mother, let you quickly, you touch a half-day, now have a fart! ”

I rely on a sound: “is not it, good stuff also left me, you sell too fast. ”

Just then, I saw a young man from his front gate inside out, carrying a long thing, wrapped in a solid, look to know is an ancient weapon, it is certainly valuable, if sell well, price over ten times.

I pointed to the young man, I three uncle nodded, do feel helpless in a gesture of my mind a Chen, sad, thought my small stall this year really going bankrupt?

I went upstairs, have a cup of coffee, the old man runs today gold teeth to get things and uncle said, and I thought he would have the same enemy and hatred, did not think of him as a changed man, silent, direct my digital camera things out of print, placed on the lamp next, I see my uncle turned out right away.

” How? ” I asked: ” what’s it wrong? ”

He frowned, and said, “no, this is like a tomb map! “

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